You can now choose to view transactions in the Treasury module by their value date instead of their operation date. This allows you to see when the cash outflow or inflow actually happens, rather than when it is settled into the bank.
- Log in to your Embat account using this link.
- Enter your credentials: email and password.
- At the bottom of the left menu, click on Settings and select “Group”.
- If you want to see it by value date, select the "Value Date" option and click on Save; the treasury will now show transactions and balances by their value date.
- If you want to see it by operation date, select the "Operation Date" option and click on Save; the treasury will now show transactions and balances by their operation date.
Additional Information
- The "Value Date" option is useful for including transactions in your analysis when the cash outflow or inflow actually happens.
- The "Operation Date" option is useful for seeing when transactions are settled into the bank's system.
- This setting only affects the balances of the Treasury module. It does not affect the balances of bank products.
- You can change between the "Value Date" and "Operation Date" options at any time.
If you have any further questions, please contact the Customer Experience team or submit a request via this link.
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